Brooklyn Prospect Heights.

A free meal symbolizing the summer of 2020 in public school with graffiti.

Many NYC schools have murals. The school building of a public school called PS9 in Brooklyn has graffiti. All of them are works by famous artists, and the children who go to this school are envious.
In the summer of 2020, due to the influence of Covid19, the stay home continued from March to July, during which Free Meal was distributed in the morning and noon in NYC. The pick-up location is an elementary school. It became a daily routine to pick up Free Meal after a walk in the morning, and many New Yorkers have been helped their household finances by them.
Eating on the bench in the school, we sometimes could make friends with other family sitting next to us. They are famous musisian in the world. Be able to encounter with people like that is Brooklyn.
An unexpectedly stay home has been long. Meanwhile, at 19:00 every day, we opened the window and applauded the essential worker, and on the window there was a sticker for the delivery staff saying "Thank you!" . Every people help each other in NYC.
I don't know if it's God's teaching, "Love your neighbor," but I realized that NYC is a nice city where you can feel the kindness of people.

Public School 9 (PS 9). Many elementary schools in Brooklyn have Murals drawn.

Many famous graffiti artists have been participated.

Free Meals were distributed at school every day during the Covid19 pandemic.

Even though it's Free Meal, the vegetables and fruits are fresh and delicious.

There are many public areas in NYC for exercising. Exercise seems to be indispensable to the New Yorker lifestyle.

In NYC, wheels stolen is natural.


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